Drift 21, Rm. 105 Special Event
25 Jul 2019 12:00 Noon - 01:15 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20190725T1200 20190725T1315 Europe/Amsterdam Women's Mentorship Event

The Women's Mentorship Event is an informal roundtable discussion that provides participants with a safe space to discuss issues relevant to woman-identifying persons in academia. Questions from participants are encouraged and will help steer the discussion. Mentors at various stages of their academic careers will share their experiences, offer advice, and answer questions. This year's confirmed mentors include:

Angela Creager, Princeton UniversityAnita Guerrini, Oregon State University (emerita) and University of California, Santa BarbaraAlexandra Hui, Mississippi State UniversitySally Kohlstedt, University of MinnesotaAnya Zilberstein, Concordia University

All women-identifying persons are welcome to attend.

A light lunch will be provided thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous benefactor.

Please RSVP to gecc.mentorship@gmail.comby July 20th.

If you cannot attend due to a conflict but would be interested in women's mentoring, email gecc.mentorship@gmail.com and we will try to set up a smaller session with one of our faculty. 

A Graduate and Early Career Caucus Event


Drift 21, Rm. 105 History of Science Society 2019 meeting@hssonline.org
40 attendees saved this session

The Women's Mentorship Event is an informal roundtable discussion that provides participants with a safe space to discuss issues relevant to woman-identifying persons in academia. Questions from participants are encouraged and will help steer the discussion. Mentors at various stages of their academic careers will share their experiences, offer advice, and answer questions. This year's confirmed mentors include:

  • Angela Creager, Princeton University
  • Anita Guerrini, Oregon State University (emerita) and University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Alexandra Hui, Mississippi State University
  • Sally Kohlstedt, University of Minnesota
  • Anya Zilberstein, Concordia University

All women-identifying persons are welcome to attend.

A light lunch will be provided thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous benefactor.

Please RSVP to gecc.mentorship@gmail.comby July 20th.

If you cannot attend due to a conflict but would be interested in women's mentoring, email gecc.mentorship@gmail.com and we will try to set up a smaller session with one of our faculty. 

A Graduate and Early Career Caucus Event

Princeton University
Oregon State University
Mississippi State University, Society Editor
University of Minnesota
Concordia University, Montreal
University of Chicago
Dr. Sarah Naramore
Sewanee: the University of the South
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