Photographing The Sky: Female Work in Astronomical Observatories

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Abstract Summary
The contribution of women to astronomy has been studied focusing in European and North American observatories (Kistiakowsky, 1979, Rossiter, 1984, Pérez and Kiczkowski, 2010). However, we do not know about the contribution to global projects of female South American astronomers, who have been excluded from the local histories of these scientific institutions, often because their contribution has not been in the records of their contemporaries (institutional reports or scientific publications). Photometry was a task rejected by many men and assumed by women who began working in astronomical observatories during the second half of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century. This proposal is part of the Fondecyt Regular 1170625 project "Looking at the stars of the south of the world: The National Astronomical Observatory of Chile (1852-1927)" and analyze the role played by the women workers at the National Astronomical Observatory of Chile, who participated in the observation and registration of Halley's Comet in 1910 and of the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung.
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University Alberto Hurtado

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